From the Director’s Desk………..
These days just about every month on the calendar has some or many disability awareness events and activities. October is no exception. In fact, October may be the month with the greatest number of disability awareness events. October is ADHD Awareness Month, National Dyslexia Awareness Month, Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Spina Bifida Awareness Month, National Disability Employment Awareness Month, and Bullying Awareness Month just to get things started. Add in World Cerebral Palsy Day, Rett Syndrome Awareness, and Physical Therapy Awareness and you can see that October is a great time to seize the moment and embrace the many opportunities to connect students, colleagues and parents with great events, great conversations and a multitude of resources.
Here are some places to start:
National Disability Employment Awareness
Have a great October and Thanks for all you do. Andy