Special Education Teaching Staff – Contact Information by Location
Valley Falls School District USD 338 (Valley Falls)
*IS = Instructional Support
First Name | Last Name | Email Address | Location | Position |
Kara | Mitchell | kmitchell@keystonelearning.org | All | Speech |
Elizabeth | Jones | ejones@keystonelearning.org | All | School Psych |
Ellen | Guess | eguess@keystonelearning.org | All | Social Worker |
Tabitha | Fialkowski | tfialkowski@keystonelearning.org | Early Childhood | Teacher |
Tobi | Adcock | tadcock@keystonelearning.org | Elementary | IS |
Kaylyn | Walker | kwalker@keystonelearning.org | High School | IS |
Mandi | VanGordon | mvangordon@keystonelearning.org | Middle/HS 7-12 | IS |
John | Hamon | john.hamon@vfalls338.com | District | Superintendent |
Caleb | Clark | District | Board Member |
Jefferson County North USD 339 (Nortonville & Winchester)
*IS = Instructional Support
First Name | Last Name | Email Address | Location | Position |
Denise | Selbee-Koch | denise@keystonelearning.org | All | Social Worker |
Kylie | Stutz | kstutz@keystonelearning.org | All | Speech |
Ruth | McFarland | rmcfarland@keystonelearning.org | Elementary | K-2 IS |
Rachel | McCullough | rmccullough@keystonelearning.org | Elementary | 6-8 IS |
Tia | Elam | telam@keystonelearning.org | Elementary | 3-5 IS |
Sarah | Diehl | sdiehl@keystonelearning.org | High School | 9-12 IS |
Brad | Kempf | bkempf@usd339.net | District | Superintendent |
Justin | Finley | District | Board Member |
Jefferson West USD 340 (Meriden)
*IS = Instructional Support
First Name | Last Name | Email Address | Location | Position |
Kim | Wheeler | kim.wheeler@usd340.org | All | Speech |
Jamie | Dempewolf | jdempewolf@keystonelearning.org | All | Social Worker |
Hana | Dreiling | hdreiling@keystonelearning.org | All | School Psych |
Stacy | Fleeker | stacy.fleeker@usd340.org | Elementary | IS |
Neely | Gower | ngower@keystonelearning.org | Elementary | IS |
Wendy | Branson | wbranson@keystonelearning.org | Middle School | IS |
Danielle | Slimmer | dslimmer@keystonelearning.org | Preschool | Teacher |
Ashley | Wathen | awathen@keystonelearning.org | High School | IS |
Staci | Wittenberg | swittenberg@keystonelearning.org | High School | IS |
Audra | Sundberg | audra.sundberg@usd340.org | Middle School | 5 & 6 IS |
John | Leonard | jleonard@keystonelearning.org | High School | IS |
Deann | Reich | deann.reich@usd340.org | Preschool | Teacher |
Brad | Neuenswander | bradn@usd340.org | District | Superintendent |
Kelly | Midgley | District | Board Member |
Oskaloosa Schools USD 341 (Oskaloosa)
*IS = Instructional Support
First Name | Last Name | Email Address | Location | Position |
Michaela | Driscoll | mdriscoll@usd341.org | All | School Psych |
Elementary | Speech | |||
Raenise | Sampson | rsampson@keystonelearning.org | All | Speech |
Kristan | Caffee | kcaffee@keystonelearning.org | All | Social Worker |
Heather | O’Neil | honeal@usd341.org | Jr/High School | IS |
Terri | Traul | ttraul@keystonelearning.org | Jr/High School | IS |
Emily | McKean | emckean@keystonelearning.org | Preschool | Teacher |
Jeri | Fischer | jfischer@usd341.org | Jr/High School | IS |
Jaclyn | Scherer | jscherer@keystonelearning.org | Jr/High School | TAG |
Aimee | Ralph | aralph@keystonelearning.org | Elementary | IS |
Katie | Rhodelander | krhodelander@keystonelearning.org | Elementary | IS |
Elementary | IS | |||
Dan | Wessel | dwessel@usd341.org | District | Superintendent |
Jana | Farmer | District | Board Member |
McLouth USD 342 (McLouth)
* IS = Instructional Support
First Name | Last Name | Email Address | Location | Position |
Deni | Faimon | faimond@mclouth.org | Preschool | Speech |
Grace | Hounchell | ghounchell@keystonelearning.org | All | Social Worker |
Michaela | Driscoll | mdriscoll@keystonelearning.org | High School | School Psych |
Madison | Densberger | mdensberger@keystonelearning.org | Elementary | School Psych |
Beth | Meyers | meyersb@mclouth.org | Elementary | IS |
Richard | Menninger | menningerr@mclouth.org | High School | IS |
Darcie | Hearn | hearnd@mclouth.org | Middle School | IS |
Amy | Pound | pounda@mclouth.org | Preschool | IS |
Macey | Moyer-Koelliker | mmoyer-koelliker@keystonelearning.org | Middle School | IS |
Rebecca | Fielder | rfielder@keystonelearning.org | Elementary | IS |
Jerome | Johnson | johnsonj@mclouth.org | McLouth District | Superintendent |
Pam | Carleton | McLouth District | Proxy Board Member |
Perry-Lecompton Schools USD 343 (Perry & Lecompton)
*IS = Instructional Support
First Name | Last Name | Email Address | Location | Position |
Andrea | Heffernan | aheffernan@keystonelearning.org | PES | Speech |
Maureen | Cole | mcole@keystonelearning.org | All | School Psych |
Ginger | Butler | gbutler@keystonelearning.org | Elementary | IS |
Mari | Long | mlong@keystonelearning.org | All | Social Worker |
Kathy | Shobe | kshobe@usd343.org | Elementary/Middle | IS |
Whitney | Brown | wbrown@keystonelearning.org | Pre K-K | Pre K-K |
Jason | White | jwhite@keystonelearning.org | High School | IS 9-12 |
Erin | Damme | edamme@keystonelearning.org | High School | IS |
Ashley | Fatool | afatool@keystonelearning.org | All | Speech |
Austin | Jantz | ajantz@keystonelearning.org | Middle School | IS 6-8 |
Josh | Woodward | jwoodward@usd343.org | District | Superintendent |
Bill | Culver | District | Board Member |
Atchison County Community Schools USD 377 (Effingham)
*IS = Instructional Support
First Name | Last Name | Email Address | Location | Position |
Cynthia | Taylor-Bigge | ctaylor-bigge@keystonelearning.org | All | School Psych |
Scottee | Weber | sweber@keystonelearning.org | All | Social Worker |
Melissa | Frederick | mfrederick@keystonelearning.org | All | Speech |
Tammy | Givens | tgivens@keystonelearning.org | Elementary | IS |
Rhonda | rtroxe | rtroxel@keystonelearning.org | Jr/High School | IS |
Jennifer | Wiseman | wiseman.jennifer@usd377.org | Elementary | IS |
Kris | Bourdeau | kbourdeau@keystonelearning.org | Jr/High School | IS |
Andrew | Gaddis | gaddis.andrew@usd377.org | ACC | Superintendent |
Kelli | Bottorff | ACC | Board Member |
Easton Public Schools USD 449 (Easton)
*IS = Instructional Support
First Name | Last Name | Email Address | Location | Position |
Carmen | Whited | cwhited@keystonelearning.org | All | Speech |
Madison | Densberger | mdensberger@keystonelearning.org | All | School Psych |
Becky | Stewart | bstewart@easton449.org | Elementary | IS |
Elizabeth | Hathaway | ehathaway@keystonelearning.org | Elementary | IS |
Katie | Morlan | kmorlan@keystonelearning.org | High School | IS |
Jennifer | Hayes | jhayes@keystonelearning.org | High School | IS |
Alaina | Hildman | ahildman@keystonelearning.org | Middle | IS |
Tim | Beying | tbeying@easton449.org | District | Superintendent |
Jerry | Barnes | District | Board Member |
John Dewey Learning Academy (Ozawkie) 608
*IS = Instructional Support
First Name | Last Name | Email Address | Location | Position |
Terri | Coughlin | coughlint@keystonelearning.org | JDLA | Principal |
Melinda | Wallace | mwallace@keystonelearning.org | JDLA | Social Worker/Admin |
Meaghen | Noll | mnoll@keystonelearning.org | JDLA/EC | Speech |
Chris | Hotchkiss | chris@keystonelearning.org | JDLA | IS |
Glee | Hosler | ghosler@keystonelearning.org | JDLA | IS |
Roger | Brown | rbrown@keystonelearning.org | JDLA | IS |
Leah | Magill | lmagill@keystonelearning.org | JDLA | IS |
Becky | Mackintosh | bmackintosh@keystonelearning.org | JDLA | IS |
Melanie | McKay/McGee | mmcgee@keystonelearning.org | JDLA | IS |
Wanda | Collins | wcollins@keystonelearning.org | Kitchen | Cook |
Brandi | Barnhardt | jdlasecretary@keystonelearning.org | JDLA | Food Service/Admin. Asst. |
Emma | Sorensen | esorensen@mytgc.org | The Guidance Center | Group Facilitator |
Azure | Stapleton | astapleton@mytgc.org | The Guidance Center | Program Manager/ Social Worker |
Kristen | Tucker | ktucker@mytgc.org | The Guidance Center | Group Facilitator |
Nancy | Whiting | nwhiting@mytgc.org | The Guidance Center | Group Facilitator |
Social Workers Keystone 608
First Name | Last Name | Email Address | Location | Position |
Oskie/Effingham | Social Worker | |||
Mari | Long | mlong@keystonelearning.org | Perry/Lecompton | Social Worker |
Ellen | Guess | eguess@keystonelearning.org | Valley Falls | Social Worker |
Grace | Hounchell | ghounchell@keystonelearning.org | Easton/McLouth | Social Worker |
Jamie | Dempewolf | jdempewolf@keystonelearning.org | Jeff West | Social Worker |
Denise | Selbee-Koch | denise@keystonelearning.org | JCN/Keystone | Social Worker |
Melinda | Wallace | mwallace@keystonelearning.org | JDLA | Social Worker |
School Psychologists Keystone 608
First Name | Last Name | Email Address | Location | Position |
Maureen | Cole | mcole@keystonelearning.org | Perry/Lecompton | Psychologist |
Hana | Dreiling | hana.dreiling@usd340.org | Jeff West | Psychologist |
Michaela | Driscoll | mdriscoll@usd341.org | Oskie/ McLouth MS/HS | Psychologist |
Elizabeth | Jones | ejones@keystonelearning.org | JCN/Valley Falls | Psychologist |
Cynthia | Taylor-Bigge | ctaylor-bigge@keystonelearning.org | ACC | Psychologist |
Madison | Densberger | mdensberger@keystonelearning.org | Pleasant Ridge/ McL Elem |
Speech Language Pathologists Keystone 608
First Name | Last Name | Email Address | Location | Position |
Kylie | Stutz | kstutz@keystonelearning.org | Jefferson County North | Speech Path |
Andrea | Heffernan | aheffernan@keystonelearning.org | Perry/Lecompton | Speech Path |
Ashley | Fatool | afatool@keystonelearning.org | Perry/Lecompton | Speech Path |
Deni | Faimon | faimond@mclouth.org | McLouth | Speech Path |
Melissa | Frederick | mfrederick@keystonelearning.org | ACC | Speech Path |
Kara | Mitchell | kmitchell@keystonelearning.org | Valley Falls | Speech Path |
Meaghan | Noll | mnoll@keystonelearning.org | EC Home Visits/JDLA | Speech Path |
Raenise | Sampson | rsampson@keystonelearning.org | Oskaloosa | Speech Path |
Kim | Wheeler | kim.wheeler@usd340.org | Jefferson West | Speech Path |
Carmen | Whited | cwhited@keystonelearning.org | Easton | Speech Path |
Oskaloosa | Speech Path |
Turning Point Keystone 608
First Name | Last Name | Email Address | Location | Position |
Gifted Program Keystone 608
First Name | Last Name | Email Address | Location | Position |
Chris | Twenhafel | twenhafel@keystonelearning.org | All Districts | Gifted |
Itinerant Staff Keystone 608
Kelsey | Bonnel | kbonnel@keystonelearning.org | All Districts | Deaf/Hard of Hearing Teacher |
Stacy | Davis | sdavis@keystonelearning.org | VF, JCN, JW | Occupational Therapist |
Kayla | Latta | klatta@keystonelearning.org | Oskie, Perry/Lec | Occupational Therapist |
Matt | Mohr | mmohr@keystonelearning.org | All | OC/COTA |
Hannah | Heston | hheston@keystonelearning.org | McLouth, ACC, Pleasant Ridge | Occupational Therapist |
Rich | Jobbins | rjobbins@keystonelearning.org | All Districts | Adaptive PE |
Nicole | McWilliams | nmcwilliams@keystonelearning.org | All Districts | Physical Therapist |
Terra | Bumgardner | tbumgardner@keystonelearning.org | All Districts | IEP Writer |
Peris | Wanjiku | pwanjiku@keystonelearning.org | All Districts | Instructional Coach |