Services for children residing in our 8 district area:

Keystone services students with disabilities ages 3-5 within a variety of settings.
Services for eligible preschool children may be provided in the home, in the preschool the child is already attending, such as Head Start, or a school’s 4-year old preschool, or in a childcare setting the child already attends. For some children, services are provided in one of Keystone’s integrated preschool classrooms which are housed by local districts.
COUNT YOUR KID IN – If you have concerns about your child’s development, sign up for a FREE screening clinic – Appointment necessary!
Call: 785-876-2214 ex. 201 or email: lbrose@keystonelearning.org
CYKI screening is provided to children birth through five years of age in the areas of cognitive skills, social/emotional skills, fine and gross motor skills, speech and language skills, vision and hearing. Screenings take place in local community settings and last approximately 1.5 hours. Locations are subject to change.
Please bring the completed form to the screening.
Preschool Classrooms
Keystone operates integrated preschool classrooms for children with disabilities and includes a limited number of peers without disabilities. One program component in each classroom focuses upon promoting children’s positive social-emotional and language/communication development, as presented in the LEAP (Learning Experiences: an Alternative Program for Preschoolers and Parents) program. This includes social skills training, visual supports, transition routines, and monitoring skills.
Interested in having your child participate as a peer model?
Peer models for our Preschool Classroom must attend a CYKI screening first and will be selected by a random drawing from the applicants for each school year. Preference will be given to children who are 4 by Sept. 1, but 3-year-olds will be considered. Peer models must be potty trained. Children turning 5 prior to Sept. 1 are considered kindergarten eligible and are not eligible for Keystone preschool programs. All children attending preschool must have proof of immunizations and the child health assessment required by the state of Kansas.
3. Peer Model information sheet 2022
For application information call: 785-876-2214 ext. 201 or email: lbrose@keystonelearning.org
If you have further questions about your child’s development, or our Early Childhood Services, contact Terra Bumgardner, School Psychologist, tbumgardner@keystonelearning.org