From the Director’s Desk………..
This year 65 students with a wide range of disabling conditions have earned their high school diploma in Keystone districts and JDLA. This is truly an event worth celebrating! Consider that each graduate with a disability has completed a journey that took them through more than 14,000 hours of school activities – including navigating the coronavirus. I hope you will take time to recognize and celebrate this awesome accomplishment with all of the graduates who have come across your path, and through your classrooms.
It takes a team to make such a great accomplishment happen so don’t forget to celebrate with all of the professional staff members, related service providers, and para-educators who helped along the way. I also want to point out that our Keystone team will see some new faces next year as the current number of staff retirements is at 5. Please don’t hesitate to congratulate the retirees who have given so much to Keystone and to handicapped children. As for me, I just want to express my gratitude for all that you do for every one of our handicapped students. Way to go!
Thanks for all you do. Andy